We're finally expecting. YAY! We went to the doctor for the first ultra sound today and everything looks great. It showed I was measuring 11 weeks 3 days instead of 10 weeks 5 days. But they'll still keep my same due date which is December 15th. We're so excited. Emi and Kurt went with me and we all heard the heart beat. When we were looking at the screen Emi says "I don't see the baby," and right when she says it the baby starts waving its arms. She still didn't see "A BABY" but she saw something move. Once we got home she went over each of the pictures acting like she was the doctor... Here's the head, and here are the feet, and hear is its back...etc. She's so excited and I love it. This is such a great blessing to our family and we hope that everything will continue to go great.
13 years ago