Some of you may know that in the past I have dealt with anxiety, especially following the birth of my baby, and although I am now able to understand it and work through it sometimes its still hard. It usually sparks up when major changes in my life are happening and I think that happens to everyone to some extent...I just have trouble controlling it. One thing that helps is to recognize all that's good in my life...and today as I was thinking about all of the blessing I have in my life I decided to write them down:
1. My wonderful husband and the priesthood- he has been there for me through every obstacle I have faced emotionally, spiritually, and physically. He is always pushing me to be better and is so supportive of things I want to accomplish. Most of all he is a worthy Priesthood holder and has blessed our lives and our home with it.
2. My beautiful little girl- she has this amazingly sweet spirit, she is so smart, and brings so much joy and laughter to my life. She reminds me everyday not to take life so seriously...she is always smiling and always willing to give a hug and kiss to me when I need it.
3. My in-laws- I don't think anyone can have as great of in-laws as I do. They have let us live in their home for the past year and half and haven't threatened to kick us out yet. They have helped so much while my husband and I are doing school. They are amazing people who I look up to very much and am so grateful for the relationships I have been able to develope with them over this time. My mother-in-law is so selfless, always willing to give of herself and very easy to talk to. My Father-in-law tries to bring humor to our lives everyday..Even if it is by scaring me or trying to get a rise out of me. They truly love and care about everyone in their family and will do anything for them.
4. My parents- They are amazing...they have been their for me through everything in my life! I talk to them almost daily and they're never annoyed when I call -even when it is during a class my dad is teaching, he actually answered it and told me to say hi to the class...and even though he was obviously busy he still asked what I needed before hanging up (:. My mom is such a happy and giving person, she loves to contribute a little bit to everything and everyone around her...luckily there is enough goodness in her to share. They are such great examples to me devoting your life to the gospel.
5. My sisters, brothers, sister-in-laws, and brother-in-laws- Wow! What great people. I look to each of them and the great examples they are to me. They have all helped us so much. "K&B" have let us keep our stuff in the garage of their new home so we wouldn't have to pay for a storage unit and we are so grateful. They are a great example of hardwork. "K" is always willing to devote so much time to my little girl's pictures. "T" is an amazing example of pursuing your eduacation. "K" helps me so much with my little girl during the week, and "C" has helped with all our car problems. "K & T" were sealed with their family this year and have sense been such an example to me temple attendance. They are always looking for an opportunity to go. "C" is so crafty and always willing to make wedding gifts or baby gifts and as of late was so supportive when we took her through our new house giving me ideas to decorate. "T"is always using humor to lighten the mood. "C" basically did all my canning for me and came to pick me up when my car broke down. She is always a great listening ear and excited to hear whats new with me. "T" is always so happy and easy to talk to. "A" is such an example to me of overcoming hardships with amazing Faith and even more devotion to the gospel. "J&A" are always up for new things and when I told Autumn about by school competition and asked her if she'd be my model for an extreme haircut and color she didn't even question she just said, "Yes, do what you want!" And "J" was supportive as always. "K" and "J" are amazing missionaries and such great examples to me of happiness, compassion, and selflessness. My family is so much fun and I love them all.
6.My grandparents- They are always excited to help with my little girl, they are so supportive and try to make it to all the family functions. They are such loving people and have been such great examples to me throughout my life. I am so excited to be in their ward.
7. My friends and fellow bloggers- I have so many wonderful friends who are always looking out for me and willing to help in so many ways. They are so selfless and I am so grateful for them. And all of my friends and family that have blogs, I love keeping up with your lives and seeing all the fun things going on in your lives. And when you post about the trials you are facing and overcoming it is so inspiring.
8. Finding our home- This past year has been so tuff finding home after home and having what seemed like everything that could go wrong happen...We have finally found one and everything has gone so smoothly. The sellers have been so cooperative, it has been a huge blessing.
9. The gospel- I hate to think where I would be without it. I am so thankful for being raised in the gospel and having it at the core of my family. I am so grateful for the guidelines it provides and the blessings received for obeying. I know that the atonement is real and I am so thankful for it.
My life has been richly blessed mainly because all of you are a big part of it...Thanks!
13 years ago